Discipleship Pathway
We are facing a crisis of discipleship. We believe it is the church’s central responsibility to make disciples of Jesus. To do that we believe we must be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what Jesus did.
Below you will find our discipleship pathway.
This pathway is simply a way of finding yourself within this house we call Zion City Church and an invitation to move deeper into our family.
This first phase is simply an introduction. You are welcome here. As you determine whether or not Zion City Church is the community you want to be apart of we have two spaces for this to happen.
Sunday Gatherings
Sunday Gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit.
Welcome To Zion
The event we hold introduces you to our story, what we believe, and the rhythms we have as a church. For anyone new to the church or recent in their attendance this will be a time for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you.
The next phase is all about story. We want you to get to know our story, we want to get to know yours, and we want to discover together the story God has for our community in the future.
Baptism is the action of living into the story of Jesus by passing through the waters. When a person is submerged into the waters of baptism they are identifying with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The old person is buried in the water in the likeness of his death and the new person is raised from the waters to walk in newness of his resurrected life. We want to invite you to follow Jesus in obedience into the waters of baptism.
Basics Course
The basics course is a two week course where you get to learn all about the vision and values of our church. This is for those who want to get to know our story on a deeper and nuanced level. The basics course is the essential elements of what make up our church including our story, vision, pillars, discipleship framework, values and convictions
The last phase is that of doing life together. We feel that life with Zion City Church is fully realized when we participate in four key rhythms. Through these commitments, we are ordering our lives around the way of Jesus and allowing ourselves to be transformed, both as individuals and as a church family. We invite you to partner with us in this life as disciples of Jesus.
Our community groups are the way we gather during the week around the table to be the people of Jesus in our community. We believe that life is shared best around a table and not a stage. This is the place where we share in the Lord’s Supper together as the culmination of a meal. This is also the place where we learn and integrate the 9 key practices of the way of Jesus.
Sunday Gatherings
Sunday Gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. To be a part of Zion means you regularly attend these gatherings.
We believe that it is vital for followers of Jesus to use their gifts and resources to be in service of others. This looks like first serving the community that is Zion but also serving the larger community around us. This is how we actively participate in seeing the kingdom of God come in Valencia County.
One of our core values is radical generosity, it is our dream to become a people who are marked by generosity. Each week we pray as a community that generosity would increase until it could be said there is no needy person among us and this is our desire.