Truth Over Lies

There are two kingdoms at war. The kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. In this weeks teaching Pastor Andrew Rael explains how when we believe the lies of the evil one we are put into chains. Only the truth of Jesus can set us free from lies we believe about ourselves and our culture.

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Andrew Rael
Community Over Consumption

In this weeks message Pastor Andrew teaches us the importance for the family of Jesus to be just that a family. For us to become the church that Jesus delights in we must learn that we do not go to church, we are the church.

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Andrew Rael
Grace Outside the Gate (Mark 14:27-72)

What if I told you, the moments where you felt that you failed the most, were moments where God’s power was shown most powerfully. What if I told you, that your story is not a sum of your mistakes, but your story is the future God sees for you? What if I told you that grace meets you right where you are.

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Andrew Rael
The Story of Us (Mark 14:12-26)

Stories are powerful and are the driving force of why we do the things we do. Communion is the symbolic story of how God saved humanity. We take part in it to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us. This night of the last supper is Jesus revealing God’s plan weaved through the story of the children of Israel from the very beginning.

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Andrew Rael
007 An Interview with Cody Byrne

Cody Byrne is the current youth pastor for Calvary Church’s youth group “Spectrum”. I sit down with Cody and talk leadership, church planting, and problems in the church today. Follow him on instagram and pray for him and his family as they transition into their first church plant back home in Australia!

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Jake Murdoch
A House for My Name

Alex takes us through the story of the scriptures to show us the reason for the existence of the Church. When we live as followers of Jesus, God's glory is at stake.

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Jake Murdoch
While We Wait (Mark 13:32-37)

King Jesus will return making all things new. He will bring heaven and earth together again! We will live with him in Zion! While we wait we must wait with expectancy, responsibility, and urgency.

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Andrew Rael
Seen (Mark 12:35-44)

We are all striving to be seen. We confuse attention with worth. When we build our lives on praise we are crushed by criticism.  We must learn, we already seen by the eyes that matter most.

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Andrew Rael
A Community of Love (Mark 12:28-34)

According to Jesus our response to the scriptures are to Love God and Love Others. For us to follow what Jesus says is most important we must learn what a biblical vision of Love is and how it is we express that love to God and others. How do we become a community shaped by love?

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Andrew Rael